No, seriously…

Check out this story about a guy named Herman Libshitz who couldn’t get the email address he wanted because of Verizon’s policy that email addresses and usernames not contain profanity.

New Olympic Sport

Did you hear about the new Olympic sport? It’s called ‘Slap Face’. Check it out…

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For Stephen and Mike D.

I love fridays…

This was in my gChat window a few minutes ago:

Stephen: probably, yeah

I’m off today, and the only thing on my schedule is “go play disc golf for the first time this year”
me: Dude…
disk golf…
Now I’m the envious one.
Stephen: It looks like it might rain, but I’m going to try
me: Do not take no for an answer brother.
Pull a Joel Osteen and take charge of the day.
Tell God what’s up
Stephen: HA
me: kidding
committing heresy
Stephen: I figured

“Stuff Christians Like” – Frisbee

I don’t know if you’ve made it over to “Stuff Christians Like“, but some of it is really good satire about ‘christian’ stereotypes. Here’s a snippet from a post called “Frisbee – God’s Favorite Sport“:

I can’t prove this, but I think Christians might be better at frisbee than non-Christians. I know that doesn’t sound very scientific, but it feels right. Roughly 94% of the Christians I know can really throw the Frisbee well. They’re good at ultimate frisbee, can play disc golf, and can even throw a pretty accurate flick or sidearm if you will. The Christians that can’t throw the frisbee? Probably backsliding.

I like to imagine Jesus and the disciples out on the shores of the Galilee playing a game of ultimate frisbee. Robes would be flying, beards flapping in the wind majestically as they all laughed and played like that volleyball scene from the movie Top Gun. Of course, Jesus had to play using “human rules.” He couldn’t have his throws go farther using the holy spirit or walk on water to catch an errant pass. As the “Sons of Thunder,” James and Jon would probably be body checking everyone and of course Judas would be calling hand fouls left and right.

History of Cinco De Mayo

Just in case you didn’t know why we celebrate this every year, here’s a quick crash course:

Most people don’t know that back in 1912, Hellman’s mayonnaise was manufactured in England. The “Titanic” was carrying 12,000 jars of the condiment scheduled for delivery in Vera Cruz, Mexico, which was to be the next port of call for the great ship after New York City.

The Mexican people — crazy about mayonaise back then — were eagerly awaiting delivery and were disconsolate at the loss. So much so that they declared a national day of mourning which they still observe today.

It is known, of course, as “Sinko de Mayo”

In Case You Think You’re Having A Bad Day

I’ll bet this isn’t how you got to work.

(ht: Justin Taylor)

You Choose: What is more stupid

Alright folks. I’ve been listening to “Wait, Wait: Don’t Tell Me” this morning, and I’ve narrowed down the dumb news stories of the week to two. Now you have to pick: Which is dumber:

A sales supervisor who used waterboarding to motivate his sales team (not a joke).


John McCain’s compaign trying to pass off Rachel Ray’s recipes from the Food Network website as “old time McCain family classics”

You choose

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