We’re almost silver!

I just noticed that we’re at about 24,200 hits since I moved this blog over to wordpress.

That means that sometime in the next couple of days we’ll hit 25,000!

Thanks for the love!

New Stuff From Louie

Steph already mentioned today that when I go to a christian bookstore, I can be a little like a kid in a candy store. That isn’t to say that I like everything they sell in those places. In fact, I’d say at least 50% of it outright unbiblical… but even the unbiblical stuff engages me because it helps to think through what I believe and why I believe it…

So, this weekend, the stars lined up: we were at a christian bookstore AND had a few extra dollars

…And that’s when I cam across this DVD from Louie Giglio.

As far as I know, this is the ONLY DVD from Louie that I haven’t listened to at least once. And what makes it even more exciting is that there are tons of people in my life right now who could really use some hope, and I could really use a good tool to help point them at the one True Hope.

So we snatched it up and we’re looking forward to watching it tonight. I’ll let you know how it goes.

Here’s the description from the 268 store:

Life isn’t easy. We experience problems and setbacks every day. But during the hardest parts of life, when the bottom seems to fall out, where do we turn for peace? Although God doesn’t offer any easy solutions, He does offer Himself and His cross as an anchor of hope no matter what we face in life. And more than simply enduring suffering, the hope we find in Him allows us to leverage our darkest moments for His fame. When life hurts most, the world listens most intently to our message, allowing us to broadcast through our pain the goodness of the One who loves us the most.


Very excited about this new EP, called ‘Ampersand’, from Derek Webb and his wife, Sandra.

‘Expelled’ Review

I’ve been waiting for a while for the “Expelled” movie to come out. I haven’t had a chance to go see it yet, but from the sound of this review, it’ll have been worth the wait. Here’s an excerpt: (HT: Justin Taylor)

The best part of the movie came in this vein when Richard Dawkins suggested that aliens came and seeded the earth with life. He said that he believe this is a very good theory. Stein responded by saying (and I quote loosely from memory) ”So, you will allow intelligent design from and alien to be taught, but you won’t allow intelligent design if we call the intelligence a transcendent ’God’?” He made his point. It was effective.

I love technology (and my parents)


Yesterday, at work, I downloaded the newest sermon from Mark Driscoll at Mars Hill Church. I got really excited when I read the title: “Trinity: God Is”. It turns out that they started a series on ‘Doctrine’! I love it!

But my work has been so intense that I haven’t been able to focus enough to listen to a sermon on the trinity and work simultaneously… so I dragged the mp3 file over to my new phone (thanks mom and dad!).

This morning, I listened to the sermon on the way to work, and I got here with my heart filled with worship.

I love technology.

I love Mark Driscoll.

I love my parents.

All of the above were God’s idea :0)

<end geekish rant>